Greg Gonzales » Edgenuity


With over 22 years of teaching and coaching experience, I currently serve as an Edgenuity Teacher, coaching football, track and leading the girls' basketball as the head coach. This year marks my first with RFISD, where I am excited to contribute my passion for sports and education. I am married to my loving wife, Danielle, who teaches at Fulton Elementary. My family and I are super excited to be part of the Rockport community. 

Edgenuity Course Syllabus

This syllabus is a guide to the things you should know and implement to be successful in this  program.  

Edgenuity Online Class Overview  

Edgenuity is different from a traditional course because it is self-paced and online; you will learn  all the concepts covered in a regular class at your own pace in an online environment. Much of  your coursework (listening to lectures from online instructors, completing vocabulary activities,  homework questions, lab activities, and online quizzes/tests] will take place online.  

Because Edgenuity is self-paced, you will be taking on more responsibility for yourself than in a  traditional high school class. To be successful with this course, it is essential that you are online  every day and able to track/maintain your progress through each course. The ultimate  responsibility for your success lies with you.  

NOTE: Edgenuity is very dependent on reading, listening, and comprehending online  lectures/material.  

Course Requirements:  

In order to be successful within this class you MUST:  

~ Be able to navigate the web  

~ Complete all assignments independently  

~ Track your progress  

~ Keep an organized notebook as directed  

~ Get one-on-one help as needed 

Class Schedule: Room 233
1st Period - Athletics
2nd Period - Edgenuity
3rd Period -Edgenuity
4th Period -Edgenuity
5th Period -Edgenuity
6th Period - Inclusion
7th Period - Conference
8th Period - Athletics

2024-2025 Class Syllabus

Coach Gonzales

Conference Period: 7th Period

School email: [email protected]

School Phone Number: (361)790-2220 ext. 233


Chromebook, Pen, Pencil, notebook



Own your classroom. Own your actions. Take control of your future successes.


Creating a learning environment that supports the needs of all students is essential for fostering academic success and personal growth. Redirection and general classroom management strategies will be used to address behaviors. When further action is needed, a student conference will be conducted along with a teacher consequence, which includes parent contact and Skyward documentation. If behavior persists, students will be referred to administration, who will contact the parent and may arrange a parent-teacher conference.


To promote the best learning and social environment on campus, cell phone use is prohibited except during lunch, between classes, and before or after school. Students must follow their teachers’ guidelines for storing personal devices when in the classroom. The purpose of this cell phone policy is to create an environment that encourages focus, active learning, and healthy technology habits. If a student’s cell phone is visible or they are using a cell phone or electronic device in violation of school or classroom rules, the student will have the item confiscated and turned into the office. Parents will be required to pick up the cell phone from the front office at the end of the school day.