HS Tech Theatre 3rd Period Assignments
- Instructor
- John Luttman
- Term
- 2023-2024 School Year
- Department
- Electives
Upcoming Assignments
No upcoming assignments.
Past Assignments
Write what you think it means
I want you to find the sounds for your play. I want you to make a list in order with page number.
Then I want you to find the sound effects and find a link on youtube or other sound effect websites to show us what they would sound like.
By sound effect I mean like gun shots, phone ringing, car horns, ETC.
Then I want you to find the sound effects and find a link on youtube or other sound effect websites to show us what they would sound like.
By sound effect I mean like gun shots, phone ringing, car horns, ETC.
Write what you think it means
You will need to design the set, costumes, find the sounds needed, and props needed for the play. I will be asking for these throughout the rest of the year.
I want you to create a lighting design for each of the different scenes in the play. They will be more then the number of Slides I gave you. just duplicate an unedited one.

5/14 Warmup It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve, and bad things are very easy to get
Write what you think it means

5/13 Warmup When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals; adjust the action steps
Write what you think it means
I want you to take your 2d drawling and turn it into a 3D design in Tinker cad
Write what you think it means
I want you to draw a mock set out on paper, this set does not have to be in scale. Draw it as you were looking at the set form the front of the stage. I do not want a top down. If i wanted a Top down I would ask for a top down

5/8 Warmup The scent of plums detaches from the blossoms and leaves off into the distance the mind is drawn where the wind carries the detached scent.
Write what you think it means

5/7 Warmup A man can search his whole life for the perfect Cherry Blossom and it is a life not wasted.
Write what you think it means
I want you to gather a list of ALL the Props and Photos of what they would look like

5/2 Warmup You can't always be the best. Everyone's best is different, But you can always do your best.
Write what you think it means
I need you to find put together the costumes for the characters in your play make sure they are time correct to the script you are doing.
Write what you think it means

4/30 Warmup I would rather have questions that can't be answered then answers that can't be questioned
write what you think it means.

4/29 Warmup Someone out there is holding their breath waiting for you to give up. Make sure they suffocate
Write what you think it means

4/25 Warmup Moving on doesn’t mean you forget about things. It just means you have to accept what’s happened and continue living.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
So we will be designing wood project with cash. You will designing a rack to hold lighting instruments, and a cabinet that can hold plastic tub.
You have $450 to build the objects. You will need to design them using 1/2 in scale to design the objects and then you will price them out and they have to be under $450.
You will need at least wood, screws, a pipe, and wheels.
The lights are 23 inches long and about 8 inches wide. the rack will have to hold 10 lights with two levels different lights
You have $450 to build the objects. You will need to design them using 1/2 in scale to design the objects and then you will price them out and they have to be under $450.
You will need at least wood, screws, a pipe, and wheels.
The lights are 23 inches long and about 8 inches wide. the rack will have to hold 10 lights with two levels different lights
Write what you think it means
I want you to look into the set design of the newsies. Look into the scaffolding like structures and explain why or why not you think it could work on our stage on a high school level. It needs to be at least half a page explained why or why not. Not just a sentence or two. I want your actually thoughts on this or you will fail the project
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
You will pick a TV show floorplan and then recreate said floorplan in Tinkercad.

4/11 Warmup People think the worst thing in life is ending up alone, but truly the worst part is ending up with people who make you feel alone.
Write what you think it means

4/10 Warmup You are not perfect, the person sitting next to you is not perfect. The person you are in love with is not perfect. But the real question is are y'all perfect for each other.
Write what you think it means

4/9 Warmup The world is to big to be in a competition with everyone else, the only person I have to get better then is the one who I am right now.

4/5 Warmup The circumstance of your birth is irrelevant, it is what you do with that gift of life that determines who you are.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means.
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
I want you to use the information you gathered form Combing through the script and recreate the set and props in tinkercad.

3/27 Warmup Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, 'til you find your dream.
Write what you think it means

2/26 Warmup Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are
Write what you think it means
You will go on google slides and make a slide for each character and then find the photos of the clothing you believe the said character would wear. I am talking the whole outfit.
Write what you think it means
I want you to comb through one of the scripts below and find the Lights, Sound, Sets, Props Costumes. I want groups of 2-3

3/20 Warmup You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose
write what you think it means
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

3/7 Warmup We can't always stop the storm, we can't make all the road we drive on smooth, but we can promise the people we will be next to.
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

3/5 Warmup Some days are going to be hard to start then others, but when those days are over nothing can stop you.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

3/1 Warmup It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a waste of life to live in the future
Write what you think it means

2/29 Warmup Its leap day, spend it like its your last because the next one isn't for another 4 years
Write what you think it means
Your group will be given a 1:30 minutes scene that you will have to create and make those sounds for those scenes.

2/28 Warmup it is so Shocking to find out how many people do no believe that they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult.
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
You will be picking your own animated Disney or DreamWorks Movie You will need to pick 6 different scenes form the movie. Once you have picked the scenes post pictures of them on google slides then describe the scene below the photo.
Below is an example of the scenes
Below is an example of the scenes
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
I want you to take 8 scenes form your favorite animated movie and recreate them for the stage. You will need to grab a picture of the scene then describe the scenes lighting on a google doc and then use the Google Slides to recrate it for the stage.
write what you think it means
I want you to describe the info using colors and then create it in the following powerpoint slides.

2/7 Warmup There are many paths to tread through shadow to the edge of night until the star are all alight.
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

2/2 Warmup A person is like a novel: until the very last page you don't know how it will end. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth reading.
Write what you think it mean.
Write it in the private comments
Write it in the private comments
Write what you think it means

1/31 Warmup Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A person should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.
write what you think it means

1/30 Warmup We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?'”
Write what you think it means
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
We are doing sketches then make final drawling for 3 different props and 2 different constumes
Write what you think it means
We will be reading She Kills Monsters and combing through it for all the different Props and costume pieces

1/11 Warmup You can't escape death, and you can't predict when it will happen, so live, live like there is no tomorrow
Write what you think it means

1/10 Warmup The desire for victory must outweigh the fear of failure. You've got to be tired of losing to truly appreciate winning.
Write what you think it means

1/9 Warmup Anyone can show up when you are happy, but the ones who stay by your side when your heart falls apart they are your true friends
What do you think it means?
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
You are creating a costume for Santa Clause, Mrs. Clause and an Elf in the Movie genre you were randomly given. Once you have drawn those costumes you will then create a paragraph summary of the movie that fits the New Costumes.
Write what you think it means

11/28 Warmup Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. it the rest of your story, who you choose to be.
Write what you think it means

11/27 Warmup Every time you say something bad about yourself you are putting iron weights in your pocket sooner or later you will drag yourself down and won’t be able to get up
Write what you think it means
I want you to take your 4 favorite animal and find costumes or clothing for them if they became human
Part 2 I now want you to find the outfits and prices or prices closest to them. and how much you would spend on the costume.
Part 2 I now want you to find the outfits and prices or prices closest to them. and how much you would spend on the costume.
Write what you think it means
write what you think it means

11/8 Warmup We are not our failures, we are not who we were, we are not those who have been, we are who we choose to be.
Write what you think it means

11/7 Warmup Anyone can show up when you're happy but the ones who stay by your side when your heart falls apart they are your true friends.
write what you think it means

10/31 Warmup Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear
Write what you think it means

10/30 Question Fear is the mind killer I will face my fear and I will permit it to pass over me and through me
write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
I want you to watch the movie. Once we are Finish with the movie we will work on different costumes and styles for the characters.
I want you to design the costume Ideas off the Characters Mood, Tone, style and class level of character. (like how much status the have in the world).
I want you to design the costume Ideas off the Characters Mood, Tone, style and class level of character. (like how much status the have in the world).
Write what you think it means.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

10/3 If you feel like you're losing everything remember, the tress lose their leaves every year, and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.
Write what you think it means

10/2 Warmup Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints it takes and it takes and it takes and we keep living anyway.
Write what you think it means
Task 1
Choose a scene from your favorite play or musical
You are going to design a set for that scene. It must be an original design, so it must be your interpretation of the scene.
Write down the following things about the scene you have chosen:
Characters in the scene
The time of day that the scene takes place in
The month and season that the scene takes place in
What is happening in the scene?
Special notes for the scene (eg something particularly important that effects the stage design).
Task 2
Choose a stage configuration that you think would suit that scene and create 2 different stage designs for that scene. Create your designs on paper and draw them. They only need to be sketches.
Proscenium Arch
In The Round
Task 3
Choose your favorite design and answer this question:
As a designer describe in detail your set design for the scene you have chosen. You should justify your ideas with reference to the original staging.
In your answer refer to:
your choice of stage and audience position
set and props (including use of color)
Task 4
What materials will you need to build these sets?
Choose a scene from your favorite play or musical
You are going to design a set for that scene. It must be an original design, so it must be your interpretation of the scene.
Write down the following things about the scene you have chosen:
Characters in the scene
The time of day that the scene takes place in
The month and season that the scene takes place in
What is happening in the scene?
Special notes for the scene (eg something particularly important that effects the stage design).
Task 2
Choose a stage configuration that you think would suit that scene and create 2 different stage designs for that scene. Create your designs on paper and draw them. They only need to be sketches.
Proscenium Arch
In The Round
Task 3
Choose your favorite design and answer this question:
As a designer describe in detail your set design for the scene you have chosen. You should justify your ideas with reference to the original staging.
In your answer refer to:
your choice of stage and audience position
set and props (including use of color)
Task 4
What materials will you need to build these sets?
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Take a screen shot form the front view and the top down view of the 3d design set
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Your stage is 20 feet across and 15 feet deep. So you sets will both have to fit on that size stage. I will need both sets.
I now want to see the front view of the set pieces form your sets in 1/2inch scale. with color

9/21 Warmup The universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts - it gives you what you demand with your actions.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means

9/11 Warmup You can't take back what you said so don't freight over it, all you can do is atone for your actions.
write what you think it means
I want you to find costumes for 6 characters form your play. You will find photos of the costumes pieces you think they would be wearing. Like Shoes, Shirt, Pants, Dress, Jacket, and two accessory's like Ring, Purse, necklace. for each characters
Write what you think it means.
I want you to take 4 set piece you found in your play and make them in tinkercad.
write that you think it means
I want you to take 4 props you found in your play and make them in tinkercad.
Write what you think it means.
Answer the question to the best of your ability
You will be joining a class and do the tutorials form 1 to 13 You will take screen shots that you have done it and submit it here.
Name of the final one is Let's Learn Tinkercad!
Name of the final one is Let's Learn Tinkercad!
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
I want you to scale three connected room in this floor plan. Yes that means you will look up how big some of these things are.
Write what you think it means
You will comb through the script and look for the Sound, Lights, Set, Props and Costumes.
You will list them and what page they are on.
You will list them and what page they are on.
Write what you think it means

8/23 Warmup All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means
Write what you think it means