Frequently Asked Questions About FITNESSGRAM
1. Why is fitness testing important to me?
The FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment is based not on athletic ability, but on good health. No matter what your career path, you will live a happier, more productive live if you are healthy—and physical fitness is vital to overall health. FITNESSGRAM provides accurate and reliable information about your physical condition and how it can be improved.
2. Can I “fail” the FITNESSGRAM test?
No. FITNESSGRAM is a tool to help you determine your fitness needs and guides you in planning a personalized physical activity program.
No. FITNESSGRAM is a tool to help you determine your fitness needs and guides you in planning a personalized physical activity program.
3. Will my scores be posted or be made public?
No. Where FITNESSGRAM data is collected by the state, the data will have student names removed so that individual scores may not be identified for a particular student. That data will be used to study trends and not to judge individual students.
No. Where FITNESSGRAM data is collected by the state, the data will have student names removed so that individual scores may not be identified for a particular student. That data will be used to study trends and not to judge individual students.
4. Will my results be compared to other students?
No. FITNESSGRAM uses Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZ) to determine your overall physical fitness. HFZs are not based on class averages or any other peer comparisons. The standards are set specifically for boys and girls of different ages using the best available research. If your score falls within the HFZ, it means you have achieved the recommended level of fitness for your age. If your score falls below the HFZ, you should engage in activities that will help you improve.
No. FITNESSGRAM uses Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZ) to determine your overall physical fitness. HFZs are not based on class averages or any other peer comparisons. The standards are set specifically for boys and girls of different ages using the best available research. If your score falls within the HFZ, it means you have achieved the recommended level of fitness for your age. If your score falls below the HFZ, you should engage in activities that will help you improve.
5. What are the FITNESSGRAM Test items?
There are six test items:
There are six test items:
- Either the Mile Run, or the PACER 20 meter shuttle runs (measures aerobic capacity)
- Push-ups or Flex Arm Hang (measures upper body muscular strength/endurance)
- Curl-ups (measures abdominal muscular strength/endurance)
- Shoulder Stretch (measures flexibility)
- Trunk Lift (measures trunk extensor strength and flexibility)
- Body Mass Index (measures body composition: appropriateness of weight relative to height)