Mrs. Carrie Barritt » About Me

About Me

I have been in Education for 39 years. I have a Bachelors Degree in Education with a Driver's ED endorsement. I also have my Drs. Ed Supervisory training. I am Certified in Special ED. This is my sixth year at Rockport Fulton High School. I love to fish and go to the beach. I love PINK!!
1st Period ,Biology, Mr. Lagueux
2nd Period, Biology, Mr. Lagueux
3rd Period, Conference
4th Period, Chemistry, Mrs. Diaz
5th Period, Biology, MS. Gonzales
6th Period, CCT
7th Period, Biology, Ms. Gonzales
8th Period, Chemistry, Mrs. Sjostrom
Tutoring; Monday and Wednesday 4;05-4;35