TEKS/Course Overview
(1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world by learning about, understanding, and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive qualities. The student uses what the student sees, knows, and has experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and creating original artworks.
(2) Creative expression. The student communicates ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with appropriate skills. The student expresses thoughts and ideas creatively while challenging the imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and progressive problem-solving skills.
(3) Historical and cultural relevance. The student demonstrates an understanding of art history and culture by analyzing artistic styles, historical periods, and a variety of cultures. The student
develops global awareness and respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures.
(4) Critical evaluation and response. The student responds to and analyzes the artworks of self and others, contributing to the development of the lifelong skills of making informed judgments and reasoned evaluations.
Grading Categories
Daily Assignments (10) = 50%; Tests/Major Grade (4) =50%
Number of Grades
Students will receive a minimum of 14 grades per reporting period. Grades will be posted within 5 school days of the due date.
Late Daily Assignments
Students may submit assignments up to 3 school days after the due date. Each day late = 10 points deducted from grade.
Re-do Daily Assignments
Students may redo assignments as long as they originally attempted them by the original deadline. The second attempt must be completed outside of the standard class period, within 1 school day of the posted grade, and at least one week before the end of the nine-week grading period. Students may earn full credit on assignments redone within guidelines.
Re-take Tests/Major Grades
Quizzes and tests that earn a grade lower than 70 can be retaken within 3 school days of the original test date and after the student has scheduled and attended at least one tutorial session with the instructor. The retake must be completed outside of the standard class time, and the maximum grade that can be earned on a retake is 70. The second quiz/test is required to be a new set of questions.
Semester Exams
Semester exams will count 10% of the semester average. There will be no midterm exemptions from semester exams.