John Delgado » Coach Delgado

Coach Delgado

Hello, here is a little about me:
    • I am entering my 3rd year at RFISD.  I have been teaching for 13 years in the Coastal Bend area.  I also served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps.    
    • My wife June Ness-Delgado and I have been married for 14 years this Thanksgiving. She is the Trauma Director at Corpus Christi Medical Center.
    • We have two amazing dogs Mo and Pearl.    
    • I have coached football, basketball, baseball, and track over my career.   
    • My free time is spent wade fishing our local waters.
Class Schedule: Room 230
1st Period - Athletics
2nd Period - Conference
3rd Period - Principles of AV
4th Period - AV 1/2
5th Period - Career Prep
6th Period - Career Prep
7th Period - Career Prep
8th Period - Athletics

Coach Delgado

Conference Period: 2nd Period

School email: [email protected]

School Phone Number: (361)790-2220 ext. 230


Chromebook, Pen, Pencil, notebook

Principles of AV, Audio/Visual 1-2


Own your classroom. Own your actions. Take control of your future successes.


Creating a learning environment that supports the needs of all students is essential for fostering academic success and personal growth. Redirections and general classroom management strategies will be used to address behaviors. When further action is needed, a student conference will be conducted along with a teacher consequence, which includes parent contact and Skyward documentation. If behavior persists, students will be referred to administration, who will contact the parent and may arrange a parent-teacher conference.


To promote the best learning and social environment on campus, cell phone use is prohibited except during lunch, between classes, and before or after school. Students must follow their teachers’ guidelines for storing personal devices when in the classroom. The purpose of this cell phone policy is to create an environment that encourages focus, active learning, and healthy technology habits. If a student’s cell phone is visible or they are using a cell phone or electronic device in violation of school or classroom rules, the student will have the item confiscated and turned into the office. Parents will be required to pick up the cell phone from the front office at the end of the school day. 


Grading Categories: Daily Assignments (10) = 50%; Tests/Major Grade (4) =50%

Number of Grades: Students will receive a minimum of 14 grades per reporting period. Grades will be posted within 5 school days of the due date.

Late Daily Assignments: Students may submit assignments up to 3 school days after the due date.

Each day late = 10 points deducted from grade. Dual Credit: Students will follow the syllabus provided

by the college/university instructor.

Re-do Daily Assignments: Assignments—Students may redo assignments as long as they originally attempted

them by the original deadline. The second attempt must be completed outside of the standard class

period, within 1 school day of the posted grade, and at least one week before the end of the nine-week

grading period. Students may earn full credit on assignments redone within guidelines.

Re-take Tests/Major Grades: Quizzes and tests that earn a grade lower than 70 can be retaken within 3 school days of the original test date and after the student has scheduled and attended at least one tutorial session with the instructor. The retake must be completed outside of the standard class time, and the maximum grade that can be earned on a retake is 70. The second quiz/test is required to be a new set of questions.

Honors and Advanced Courses: If a student is failing at the end of the first 6-week grading period, the teacher and guardian must meet to discuss a plan for academic success. If a student is failing at the end of the first 9-week grading period or at the end of the semester, the counselor will work with the student to determine an appropriate course of action.

UIL Eligibility: Eligibility—Students must meet UIL eligibility standards for all extracurricular events, regardless of the individual competition’s guidelines.

Semester Exams: Semester exams will count 10% of the semester average. There will be no fall exemptions from semester exams.

Exemptions: Students who are exempt may elect to take a semester exam to increase their grade. Exempt students who voluntarily choose to test will not have their grades negatively impacted by the semester test.




90% or better

3 absences or less

85 - 89%

2 absences or less

80 - 84%

1 absences or less

How many courses will a student be eligible to exempt?

Freshmen: up to 2 classes for spring final exams

Sophomores: up to 4 classes for spring final exams

Juniors: up to 6 classes for spring final exams

Seniors: up to 8 classes for spring  final exams

Additional requirements:

  • When calculating absences for the semester for a student, the following will be excluded from the count: professional medical notes (provided according to the handbook), school-approved activities, or other excuses permitted by law
  • Students with disciplinary placements of ISS, OSS, DAEP cannot be exempt from semester exams.
  • Students requesting exam exemptions must submit a completed exemption form by the deadline.
  • Students are responsible for keeping that signed form and will present it to their teacher on the day of the spring semester exam. The teacher will sign the exemption form a second time when the exam exemption is used.
  • Any student who qualifies for an exam exemption may choose to take the exam. The teacher will use the option which best helps the student's semester grades in their calculations.
  • The RFISD exemption policy for dual credit courses pertains only to the RFISD curriculum. College courses must meet semester exam/final exam requirements determined by the college curriculum.
  • The students are exempt from the exam only, not from attendance in the class during the exam.
  • Exempt status without attendance risks a grade of zero for the exam. Exam days are considered school days.
After school tutorials:
Monday 4:15-4:45
Wednesday 4:15-4:45