Joseph Alvarado » Joseph Alvarado --- Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night! ---

Joseph Alvarado --- Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night! ---

Hello, Here is a little about me: 
* My Name is Joseph Alvarado, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.  This is my 37th year in Education. I am a graduate of McCollum High School (1984)  and received by Bachelor of Arts Degree (1988) from Incarnate Word College.  I have spent most of my years teaching  in the Coastal Bend area.  
* I am glad to be a teacher / coach here at Rockport-Fulton High School.  I will be teaching World Geography and Dual Credit courses. 
* My tutorial times are as follows: Monday-Wednesday- 4:10-4:40 or by appointment.
Syllabus for World Geography : 

World Geography Course Syllabus

Course: World Geography                                                             Conference:  5th Period 

Instructor: Coach J. Alvarado Email: [email protected]

Room: 208

Textbook: World Geography by McGraw Hill

Course Description:  World Geography is designed to provide students with concepts of geographic study and a survey of the people and places of our planet.  The content is presented within an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on the physical sciences, anthropology, sociology, economics, history, and political science to enable students to integrate the various physical aspects of the Earth with diverse activities of people within their environment. 

  1. Student Expectations
  2. Students are expected to be on time to class
  3. Students are expected to come prepared for class.
  4. Students are expected to bring their book to class everyday
  5. Students are expected to copy any notes they miss from their fellow classmates.
  6. Students are expected to have their Name, Date and Period on all assignments.
  7. Students are expected to follow all dress code, school rules and classroom rules.

  1. Grading Procedure**
  1. Minor Grades.: Minor grades are daily work, homework, worksheets, current events  in-class or out of class. These minor grades are worth 50% of a student’s total grade for the six weeks.
  2. Major Grades: Major grades will consist of tests and projects. These major grades are worth 50% of a student’s total grade for the 9 weeks.
  3. Late Work: late work will be accepted at -10 points a day and after the 4th day assignments will be an automatic 50. Projects assigned at least a week in advance will not be accepted late.  If the student is absent they are still responsible for turning in the assignment on the date assigned.
  4. Make-up work: Students are responsible for getting their make-up work from the teacher and returning it in a timely manner. All Make-up work must be done prior to the last week of the 9 weeks. 

Test must be made up with in a week of when the test was given

  1. Extra Credit: Extra Credit assignments will be assigned prior to the last week of the grading period.
  2. Re-Test Policy: Retest must be taken 1 week from when the test is assigned.
    1. The scale for  retest will be as follows:
  1. 0  - 25% - highest grade given will be a 50%
  2. 26%  –  55% - highest grade given will be a 70%
  3. 56% –  above – highest grade given will be a 100%
  4. Grade made on Re-test will be calculated in 9 Weeks grade.  If a student receives Lower grade; grades will be averaged. 

**Tutorials will be available after school Monday & Wednesday from–4:10 p.m.  to 4: 4:40 p.m.  or by appointment. 

III. Classroom Rules**

  1. Students must be in their seats when the bell rings.
  2. No food or Drinks are allowed in class except water.
  3. Do not take things that do not belong to you.
  4. No Sleeping in class is tolerated.
  5. No throwing things in class.
  6. Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
  7. No cheating is allowed.
  8. All District policies will be followed.